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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Cars and Concerts!

Wow what a week – the highlight being the amazing New Orleans Band who joined us on Thursday in the hall. We were all treated to a musical extravaganza as the band played many songs, to which we could clap and tap along to, join in with and even dance to.    From ‘The Backstreet Boys’ to ‘Oh When the Saints go marching in’ and many numbers in between. The children thoroughly enjoyed every moment, calling for an encore. 

Talking musicality, the Meerkats split into sections in music this week (just like an orchestra) to perform ‘London’s Burning’ on the ocarinas.  Each group played a part of the piece.  The children had to concentrate hard to ensure they came in at the right time as well as playing the correct notes.  After only a few rehearsals they were set to go and performed the whole piece faultlessly.   Next week we are going to try transferring our new knowledge of the notes to another instrument. 

In English this week we have shared the story of Bertha Benz, the wife of Karl who made the first motor wagon.  The story unfolds as she begins an adventure to drive the car 60 miles away to visit her children’s grandmother – a feat that had never before been attempted.  After the story we thought about our trip to The Haynes Motor Museum.  We sequenced the event of the day before writing a recount of the trip.  I am so impressed with how far all of the children have come in their writing.  Their enthusiasm to share and write their ideas was fantastic to see. Well done Marvellous Meerkats!

Staying on the theme of cars, the children finished decorating their cars this week, adding extra details to ensure they followed their plans and designs.  Once finished the children evaluated their vehicles, thinking carefully about what went well, what had been tricky and if they would make any changes if they did it all over again.  We then tested our cars today with a huge track around our classroom.  Well, we started with a track but soon a garage had been included (for any minor mishaps and reattachments), a cookie and coffee shop and a variety of parking bays.  It was a delight to watch the children all play together collaboratively with their very own handmade cars. The amazing cars all went home today – I hope you are as impressed with them as we were and the enjoyments continues.

Please continue to send your child’s reading book in each day as we are so fortunate to have three volunteers, who come in to listen to the children read each week.  The children are so excited and enthusiastic to read to these adults and their reading fluency is really improving as a result.  Please have a look at the RWI blog to continue to support your child’s reading journey at home. https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-12th-July-2024/

Next week we have our Transition Day on Wednesday.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/docs/letters/letters_2023-2024/Sept_transition_information.pdf

Please ensure that if your child is in Year 2 that they wear their PE kit on this day as they will be taking part in lots of fun sporting activities.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/docs/letters/letters_2023-2024/Yr2_Fun_Activity_Day.pdf

I will be in class every day except Monday when Mrs Hughes will be teaching Meerkat Class.  Ms Smith, our amazing TA will be with the class all week. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk