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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Cars and Art Exhibition for Leopard Class

We started this week with a bang as we had a visit from Mr Wordley and Mr Riglar who brought along their vintage cars. The children were able to explore the two vehicles by sitting in them, looking around and even honking the horn!
This was to begin our history topic all about cars. We then looked at the first car produced by Karl Benz and compared it to the modern cars of today.  We discussed the features and reasons for the changes.  We are all vary much looking forward to our trip next Thursday to The Haynes Motor Museum. 

In maths, year 1 explored numbers to 100. They partitioned them into tens and ones using a part-whole model and identified missing numbers on a number line. Year 2 explored money. They recognised different coins and notes before finding and making totals. It was a pleasure to have a few of you in for a maths workshop to see how we teach our Maths Mastery sessions. 

 This term, in music, the children will be learning how to play the ocarina.  Ocarinas are small wind instruments. The first lesson was all about seeing how they worked and the children did great.

We had an amazing turn out for our Art Exhibition. Thank you to all of the lovely grandparents and parents who was able to come!

Our PE days for this final term remain Monday (outside) and Wednesday (inside) please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school on these days to be able to fully participate comfortably in the activities.   

RWI book bag books will continue to be sent home every Friday.  Please do read daily with your child to practice the sounds that they are learning in class and develop their reading fluency.  We really do appreciate your continued support with your child’s reading – thank you.  Do have a look at the RWI blog to find links to the phonics videos too.


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)