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Cars Everywhere!

What an exciting week in Giraffe Class. It was the last of our school trips and we had the most fantastic time.

Haynes Motor museum reinforced everything we have been learning about in our History topic about cars. We had great fun looking at how the cars have changed, had the opportunity to get in some cars and even had a go at our own assembly line which Henry Ford was most famous for. The children were amazing walking around the museum and enjoyed finding the most expensive car at over £4 million!!

As always, the children behaved brilliantly and were a credit to the school.

We have continued our football skills in outdoor PE. Money and place value work in Maths and the story of Mrs Armitage in English. It has been incredibly busy and the children have embraced everything they have been asked to do.

This week we said ‘Goodbye’ to Miss Wood who has been working with us since February. We wish her well in her teaching career.

Important reminders…

  • - Mrs Russam will be in class ALL WEEK!
  • - PE kit on Wednesday and Friday
  • - Please do not use the class email for reporting an absence or information about events. You will need to contact the main office for this.