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Welcome to Term 6!

It is hard to believe we have reached our final term of this academic year. The children have made a fantastic start to the new term and have enjoyed starting our new topic about cars. This is a history based topic, where the children will be learning how cars have changed throughout history. Our school visit to Haynes Motor Museum next week will enable the children to see old cars first hand. However, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr Wordley who brought two very old cars for us to see and climb inside. The children were fascinated to see how these cars didn't have seat belts or air bags and weren't equipped with satnavs or electric locking systems! 


In English, the children have been enjoying the text Mrs Armitage on Wheels. They have made predictions about the story and have answered comprehension questions about the text. 

In Maths, we have focused on the place value of numbers up to 100. The children have looked closely at the tens and ones in different 2 digit numbers. They have used base 10 apparatus to support them with this.

In PE, we have started learning football skills. This week, the children practised their ball control skills, using their foot only to stop the ball and dribbling it using the side section of their foot.

In Computing this term, the children will be using the program 'Scratch Junior' to give instructions (code) to a sprite (character) in order to make it move. The children had so much fun on the iPads learning how the different coding blocks work.


Things to remember next week:

-We will be having a work experience student joining Zebra Class for one week only. The children will make her very welcome :-)

-School trip-Friday 14th June