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Artistic Meerkat Explorers!

Wow- what a great week, full of exploration and creativity.  We started with a glass workshop on Monday, where the children all made a glass mini beast.  The children carefully decorated their glass to create a mini best of their choice. These will be used to create a larger art piece with the creations from across KS1. 

Tuesday was our trip day and what a fantastic time we had.  The children were an absolute credit to you and the school.  We spent the day exploring the arboretum, looking at habitats, from logs to badger sets, playing games and finding mini bests.  The children collected conkers, leaves and even found themselves in the middle of a sweet chestnut fall!  Thank you so much to the parents who joined us for the trip, your support is very much appreciated.  The photos speak for themselves! 

We have started out new art topic looking at the works of the sculptor Alexander Calder.  The children created their own abstract sculptures after looking at a variety of different sculptures from around the world.  We then used the leaves we collected at Westonbirt to inspire our art work in class on Friday.  The children first sketched real leaves before creating an abstract interpretation.  Next week we will use these to create a 3D piece of art.

In our English lessons, we have been sharing our new class book ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ by David Conway and Jude Daly.   The children have been introduced to our main character; the brave and kind Lila and used the text to identify nouns.  We have also learnt a little song to help us remember that nouns are naming words.  Here’s a link to the story so you can share it at home with your child if you wish.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04gRXlPnEeo

In RE we thought about all that we have learnt this term so far based on the Christian teachings of kindness and together we wrote an acrostic poem.  The children then all drew a picture or wrote a sentence about kindness for our floor book.

It was great to see so many of you this week at parents Evening and be able to show you your child’s work.  As said, the children have all made a fantastic start and have really gelled as a new class – Well done marvellous Meerkats!   Thank you all for your continued support.  Thank you too for all the contributions sent in for the cake sale and thank you to our Year 2 class school councillor for helping at the sale.

We have our Harvest Celebration Service next Wednesday 11th October at All Saints Church.  This event in open to the parents of Reception children.  However, we do need some help for this event, walking the children to and from the church and sitting with the children during the service.  If you are able to help please drop me an email or see me Monday morning.  Thank you.😊  class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk

Next week, Mrs Jeffery will be in class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Watts taking Meerkat Class on Wednesday. Ms Smith, our fantastic TA, will be with the class all week.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend – enjoy the sunshine.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Watts and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team