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Amazing Art

What a fantastic surprise to wake up to snow this week. It was lovely to hear how some of the children had been out playing, whereas other decided to take the inside option!

The snow didn't stop us from our learning at all this week. In maths we have been consolidating our learning on length and height and using the rulers to measure. Whilst in art we came to the end of our Henri Rousseau topic making our collages and adding our animals. There is a little sneak peek below of some children's final pieces. 

This week we head off to the Wild Place Project on Wednesday to link in with our Science topic. We are leaving school promptly at 9.00 to spend as much time there as we possibly can, returning before the end of the day. The children will need to wear school uniform, sensible shoes and a warm, waterproof coat. They will also need a backpack to carry their lunch.

This week Mrs Ibbeken will be in class on Thursday and Friday. Miss Griffin and Mrs Fitz Henry Roe will be in all week.