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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

All about the cars!

This week has been all about the construction of the cars. The children have been amazing at following their designs to create their own moving cars.

To begin with they had to sand down the ends of the axles to ensure they weren’t sharp before attaching the wheels. They had to decide on the size they needed and how they would stay on the axle. After that, the children attached the different parts of the cars, some used both pivot and hinge joins to make doors and windscreen wipers.

Once all that had been constructed, we got onto the fun part of decorating! It was messy but the children were amazing at following their plans and managed to add the most wonderful detail!

As there was a general election this week, we held our own within school. The children we all given the option to vote for an activity. We discussed how we didn’t share our vote, everyone had a different opinion and we all had the right to vote. It was great fun!

As the weather stays warmish, please remember that the children will need a sunhat. No drinks bottles are needed in school as we have cups a free access to drinking water.

Next week….

  • - Mrs Millard will be in class on Thursday and Friday
  • - PE kit on Wednesday and Friday.