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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

All about Art!

Wow! What a week it has been in Giraffe Class. We have been so busy establishing our routines and beginning lots of our new learning.

In English we have been looking at the book ‘Can I build another me?’ The children have been talking and writing about themselves as well as making their own robots! The writing has been fantastic and the children are using their keys words, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

For Maths we have been exploring the equipment in the classroom, making sure we can find it all independently. We have explored numbers within 10, making sure we can represent them in different ways.

We have been looking at the work of Augusta Savage and making our own sculptures from playdough before we have a go at using clay.

This term, PE is on Wednesday (outdoors) and Fridays (indoors) and children will need to come to school in their PE kit on those days:

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts/joggers
  • When PE is in the hall, the children are barefoot and when PE is outside, their normal school shoes are perfectly adequate to be able to take part safely. Daps can be sent in if you prefer, but are not essential.
  • Children can wear their school sweatshirt/cardigan

Just a reminder:
As we are a ‘slipper school’, the children take their shoes off once inside the building.  If your child is unable to untie and tie their own laces, please can their school shoes be slip on or Velcro instead.  Please ensure that your child’s uniform, including hats, coats and lunchboxes, are labelled – it really does make it easier to identify and reunite children and their belongings. 

Reading books were given out today and they are changed every Friday. For additional reading activities please see the RWI blog page. There are also log in details for Oxford Owl inside reading records.

Next week…

Mrs Hughes will be on class on Friday.