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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

4th October 2024

Welcome back to another busy and successful week in Wallaby class. The children are working really hard in phonics, learning new sounds and writing them in their books. They are practising writing their names and enjoying a range of fine motor activities including using cotton buds to dot paint. In maths this week Wallaby class have focused on size, mass and capacity. Children have been comparing sizes of different objects around the room and sorting them, using the language heavier and lighter to compare different objects, using a ‘wool worm’ to compare the length of an object against their worm using language such as shorter and longer and building cube towers to compare amounts.

In topic this week we have focused on our body and keeping healthy. Children have thought about how they have changed since they were babies, what different body parts they know and have had a go at labelling their friends e.g. their head, leg, feet. Children have enjoyed using the play doh to create skeletons using modelling mats as well as singing and dancing to a skeleton dance song called ‘Dem bones’. Our class roleplay has become a doctors surgery and it has been great to see the children in role as doctors and patients. They have also been busy using toothbrushes to clean dirt and decay off of teeth! Some children started creating x-ray pictures of their hands and arms using black paper and white paint which have been a great addition to the role play! We ended our topic thinking about how we can be healthy, what foods we should eat lots of and what foods we should eat less of. The children did a fab job at sorting picture cards into 2 piles. We talked about what exercise is and how it keeps us healthy and as a class came up with different types of exercise.

The children have loved finding conkers during play time! This led us to a discussion all about autumn and how we know it is a new season. We went on a little hunt around our sensory garden and play area to see what signs of autumn we could see at our school! The children found lots of different coloured leaves, conkers and pine cones. We collected what we found and will use it to create an autumn tree in the classroom next week.

Well done on another great week everybody! You are all amazing and we are very proud of you.