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Wallabies term 5 week 6

What a super week in Wallaby’s! The children have been doing some superb learning!

On Monday we arrived in class after playtime to find apples filled with holes! What could have eaten our apples? The children thought it might be worms or a caterpillar. This led us to read our book for the week; The Very Hungry caterpillar. We looked at the order of the days of the week and how many pieces of fruit the caterpillar ate on those days, the children then sequenced the story. The children tasted some apple, oranges, plums, pears and strawberries and described what they tasted like. They used these adjectives in their writing to describe the fruit.

Something amazing has happened in Wallaby class this week, the chrysalises have turned into butterflies! We talked about the life cycle of a butterfly, it has been lovely for the children to see this process happen for real. The children wanted to keep them for pets, but we discussed their habitat and how they love to drink nectar from flowers. So we released them in our sensory garden, 2 of them flew out on their own and the other 2 were set free by children. They were so brave scooping them out in their hands.

The children have been learning about 3D shapes in Maths this week. We looked at some 3D shapes and their properties; some are curved with circular faces and some have corners (vertices) and square, rectangular and triangular faces. We talked about how 3D shapes are all around us and compared shapes to real life objects such as a cube and we discovered that Mrs Moody’s favourite crisps (pringles) are in a cylinder-shaped pot!

The children did so well in their sports day practice on Monday and again in the real event when it eventually happened! They were all superstars and showed great respect, teamwork, friendship and excellence!

What a great week, well done Wallabies! Have a wonderful and restful half term break.



You can view and order the class photo via the link that you received in an email.

Friday 14th June – Colour run.

Thursday 20th June – Trip to Boscombe Beach.