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What a busy term we have had!

Well, this term has certainly flown by but that has not stopped the marvellous Meerkats from being very busy with their learning and growing their brains.  We have completed two topic blocks; Science and History, shared poetry and traditional tales alongside all our maths learning of the four operations. Wow!

It was fantastic to see so many of you at our Parent Event on Wednesday afternoon.  Your support at these events is very much welcomed and appreciated.  The children love having you join us in class and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.  Everyone deserved a medal.

I was on a course this week and have received the loveliest feedback from the supply teacher who said how wonderful all the Meerkat children were on Tuesday.  She was so impressed with their behaviour.  Well done Meerkats – we are so very proud of you all and you should be very proud of yourselves!!

We finished the term, consolidating our learning in maths of the four operations.  The Year 1 children have been creating fact families with addition and subtraction and the Year 2 children have been multiplying and dividing.  The children have continued to use the rekenreks to explore numbers and find out which numbers can be found inside another. They have also continued to build on their knowledge of number bonds during thee sessions.

In English, the children have used their learning from history to write a recount of our wonderful visit from The Trowbridge Museum last week.  It has been fantastic to see this cross curricular learning and the children using real life experiences in their writing. 

Please continue to support your child with their reading and phonics by logging onto Oxford Owl (login details are in the reading journals) to access eBooks and quizzes. Also, do visit the RWI blog to access videos to support phonics.

We looked at different sources of information in History.  The children worked in groups to examine varies sources of evidence before identifying which source best supported a fact.  We also compared the works of both Florence Nightingale and Mary Secole.  The children learnt why it is important to celebrate both nurses equally.

In computing, the children had to follow a given algorithm and if it had a bug they had to debug it and reset the algorithm.  The children worked so well in their teams taking turns and checking for bugs.  All bugs were eliminated with successful debugging.

We challenged ourselves in PE this week to take the ball skills we have been practising and use them to dribble a ball with bounces around a course.   The children had to control how hard they hit the ball and how close they stayed to it to continue the bounces.  Have a look at the pictures - I think we have some future basket ball stars in our midst!

We listened to Mozart’s Rondo alla Turca in music and the children played an imaginary piano to feel the tempo of the music.  The were able to speed up and slow down in time with the music.  We thought that it was the type of music that Florence Nightingale might have listened to.  The children then listened to another piece of music and followed the dance moves on the clip, dancing a simple rhythmical sequence.  It was great to see the children create their own ideas whilst listening to the mood of the music.

The first week back of Term 4, I will be in class Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Hughes taking Meerkat Class all day Monday and Wednesday morning.  Miss Smith, our amazing TA will be with the class all week.

Wishing you all a wonderful half term. 😊

 Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk