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Wallabies term 2 week 1


Welcome back Wallabies 08/11/24

Welcome back Wallabies, what a superb start to term 2 it’s been! We have kick started our new topic ‘sparkles, seasons and celebrations’ with lots of lovely work around fireworks and bonfire night. Children thought about traditions around bonfire night and their own experiences watching fireworks. Throughout the week children have created a range of firework pictures including using a paint brush to flick paint and sprinkling glitter on top, they look fab! They even made firework toast where they painted firework patterns onto bread using food colouring.

In maths we have been recognising, comparing and identifying circles and triangles as well as using and understanding positional language. We ended the week creating Rangoli patterns which tied in with our learning about the festival of light; Diwali. Children learnt about the different traditions associated with this festival and considered similarities and differences to the celebrations they know and experience.  We celebrated Diwali along with Koala and Kangaroo class by travelling to India on our classroom plane! We had our own passports which we had to sign with our name and we added out first stamp showing our visit. We used Google maps to see the journey we would need to take and we enjoyed dancing and sampling traditional Indian food including mango chutney, naan bread, popadoms and curried rice. We made Rangoli patterns with different media including gems, buttons, sequins and numicon. We looked at hand mendhi patterns and had a go at  designing our own on hand templates.

A fabulous start to term 2 with lots more exciting learning to come – well done everybody 😊 

Dates to remember:

15th November – children in need (children to wear pjs and bring a donation)

18th November – last day for ordering Christmas cards (orders to be made online)

19th November – reception trip to Moors Valley (4pm return)

26th November – Bag2school collection

27th November – whole school flu vaccination