Welcome Back to Term 4
Welcome back to Term 4 in Giraffe Class. Hopefully you had a restful break and haven’t been too blown away by the half term weather. We are all looking forward to the sunshine, fingers crossed!
During our English lessons we have begun looking at a new book ‘The Secret Sky Garden’. We have used what we know to make some great predictions about what we think will happen in the story. You can listen to the story here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNZ5TgoK4wI
Maths has continued with our multiplication and division. We have revised counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10 then how to share objects equally into groups. This was something we couldn’t rush otherwise it wouldn’t be accurate.
Now we have completed our term at swimming we return to outdoor PE on a Wednesday. We have been looking at invasion games developing our skills of attacking and defending. We used balls to set up small games to help us defend our zones.
For the next few weeks we are looking at the work of Georgia O’Keefe a wonderful artist who loves the natural world. We have been collecting objects to practise our sketching techniques before we move on to colour mixing and creating our own pieces of artwork.
Next week….
Mrs Hughes on Friday
PE kit Wednesday and Friday
Wednesday – Library