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Welcome Back Giraffe Class

What a fabulous start back to the term. Christmas seems such a distance memory, however, the children have come back excited and ready to learn, they all seem to have grown over the holiday!

During our English work this week we have begun looking at the most fabulous book, The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch. We have been making predictions based on the front cover and spent a lot of time discussing the school trip from Reception when we went to the beach! We have been detectives looking at homophones. These are the words that sound the same but are spelt differently. It's amazing how many there are! 

In Maths we have been thinking about related fact, what do we already know that can help us find answers? We have also been adding 2-digit and 1-digit numbers. Some of us were incredibly quick at this and have been explaining how they have found answers.

As the weather got colder it only seemed appropriate to think about ‘Winter’ during our Science lessons. We have looked at animals hibernating, the weather, clothing and how it makes us feel! 

We have had great fun in Music learning some new songs and exploring the different instruments.

Just a reminder for next week…. swimming takes place on a Tuesday. Children need to come to school in their PE kits and girls need socks not tights as they need to be removed before entering poolside.

Next week….

  • Mrs Russam out Tuesday morning
  • Swimming - Tuesday 
  • PE kit Tuesday and Friday