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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Thursday 19th December 2024

I spy Christmas!!

What a festive week we have had in Kangaroo Class. The children have enjoyed making cards and crowns in our creative area which looked amazing!  The games Christmas Chefs and Roll an elf have helped the children to understand turn taking and playing cooperatively. In our small world the children have told stories using the small world characters and the role-play area proved popular with the addition of candy canes and candy cane lollies. The children have had fun hiding and selling these around the classroom. 

It was great to see all the children looking so festive on Wednesday as they dressed in their Christmas jumpers for a special Christmas Lunch. I think the ice cream with sauce and sprinkles was a hit with everyone!!! It was a very yummy turkey lunch! 

I was very proud of the children as they performed their Christmas Show to an audience. They were so confident and put on two marvellous shows. 

I can't believe the end of term is here the children have worked their socks off and deserve a wonderful Christmas break. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you have a delightful time making memories as a family. I look forward to hearing all about your Christmas in the New Year. If you would like to send a picture of your Christmas for the children to talk about then please email class7@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk

See you in 2025! Remember the first day back for children is the 7th January as the teachers have an inset day on the 6th.