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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Swimming and singing!

I must start with a Wow Wow Wow!  Myself and the team were so proud of the marvellous Meerkats at the church on Thursday for our Christmas Service; singing, signing and performing their Christmas poem.  It will be no surprise to hear our gem jar is well and truly full and extra playtime has been earned.   Thank you to all the parents who joined us and a special thank you to the parents who walked to the church with us – your support is very much appreciated.  Next week we have our Nativity performances and we are looking forward to seeing you…

Christmas Nativity Performances

 Monday 16th December at 9.30am & Wednesday 18th December at 2pm.

Back in class we have been busy too.  We completed our maths topic on shape and the children have consolidated their learning this week with lots of exploration and pattern making.  They created ‘Wanted’ posters for shapes and there were many imaginative ideas for where the shapes could be hiding – in beehives (hexagons), behind clocks (circles) and in the bookcase (squares and rectangles). Hers’s the link to some Numberblock episodes that the children have enjoyed. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bp2qlb/numberblocks-series-3-flatland and https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001x8h7/numberblocks-series-6-cuboid-castle

In English, we have begun sharing a beautiful picture book ‘Ollie’s Christmas Reindeer’ by Nicola Killen.  The children have only been introduced to the start of the story this week, so I will post the link next week for you to share at home once we have found out what adventure awaits little Ollie. The children have made some great predictions and put themselves into the character of Ollie to write fabulous exclamation sentences!

It’s all about Christmas cards in DT.  We have looked at mechanisms; hinges, siders and pivots and are now thinking about how to incorporate these into our own card designs. The children have some great ideas which we will create next week.  The marvellous meerkats showed great concentration and perseverance as we made our own little stable hinge doors. With a link to our Life Skills lesson, the children also made thank you cards for the adults who help them in school.

Rowena, one of the swimming teachers took Meerkats for their lesson on Tuesday and she hadn’t seen the class since their initial first lesson- she was so impressed with how far they had all come on with their swimming and water confidence.  Well, what can I say except a huge big well done to all of the children for the individual progress they have all made this term – you should all be very proud of yourselves – we are!  We have our last swimming lesson on Tuesday and may I take the opportunity here thank the parents and grandparents who have joined us each week.  Without your help and support this activity could not have gone ahead so THANK YOU!

The weather has certainly turned much wetter and colder, please ensure that your child comes to school every day with a warm waterproof coat.  If you child wears a hat, gloves or scarf please ensure that they are labelled.  We do not wear our outside shoes in class so please do send in slippers to keep those little toes toasty and cosy.

Next week is the lst week of term and I will be in class every day (Mon-Thurs) with our wonderful TAs, Mrs Allen (Mon-Wed) and Miss Smith (Thurs). 

Wishing you all a very happy and cosy weekend – 12 sleeps til Santa!

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Allen and Miss Smith.

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk