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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Superworm, our bodies and senses

First of all, it was lovely to see you all this week at Parent’s evening to share how well the children have settled into class, the new school year and to share their fantastic learning with you.

This week in English, we have been looking at our new book Superworm, which the children have loved reading! We have joined in with the repetitive phrases and have spotted that it's a rhyming story. This led us to learning about and matching rhyming words. The children also used characters to act out the events of the story and we described using adjectives and similes!

In Maths, we have begun looking at fact families and introduced the idea of taking away and how the ‘whole’ gets smaller. The children found missing parts, using subtraction to help. And we were finding the difference using different techniques such as sticks of cubes and numberlines.

Continuing our learning of 'animals, including humans', the children looked at different body parts. We had a great time labelling each other with stickers! We thought of all the different parts and what they help us to do. Then, we recognised our senses and had a go at using them to help us complete different activities.

Have a super weekend and we look forward to another exciting short week in Leopard class.

Next week…

Harvest Church Service- Monday

Final swimming session- Tuesday

Parent Celebration Event- Wednesday 

Miss McMillan is out of class Wednesday morning but will return for the afternoon.


Don't forget to check out the RWI blog to help with reading! 


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)