Super Sewing!
This week has been all about the sewing. Thank you so much to all the grown ups that came into help with threading our needles and helping us to complete the running stitch. Our puppets look amazing and they are on display in the classroom. The children were all able to follow their designs and decorate their puppets using their plans.
In maths, the children have been looking at different sorts of time. The Year 1 children have been thinking about sequencing, days of the week and months of the year while the Year 2 children have been looking at the clocks. They have been thinking about o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.
To finish off our Africa topic the children have written the most fantastic non-chronological reports about the Big Five. The children put together all of their wonderful writing skills they have been practising through the year and written the most amazing reports. The children have been using a range of conjunctions, punctuation and lovely pictures to capture the readers attention. We certainly have some budding authors in our class.
Next Wednesday afternoon we are holding our new style sports day. It will be great to see you coming to cheer the children on in their activities. All information has been emailed to you.
Important reminders…
- - Mrs Millard will be in class on Thursday and Friday
- - PE kit on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- - Next school trip 13th Letters have been emailed to parents.