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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Super Giraffes!

Welcome Back!

What a super start to Term 2. The holiday was much needed for everyone and the children have come back refreshed and ready to learn.

Our English work has started with looking at lots of different poems, we have been reading them in small groups and thinking about lots of different sights and sounds associated with fireworks night. This then lead onto a wonderful new History unit looking at Guy Fawkes and why his actions were significant. Was he a hero or a villain? We had to decide. We had great fun pretending to blow up the Houses of Parliament!

Our Maths skills are improved brilliantly and we have been building on these through working on our place value and recognition of numbers. We have been using 100 squares, dice to make 2 digit numbers and part whole models to look at the value of each digit.

We were really lucky to have a visit from a folk band which really helped with enhancing our musical appreciation. They were fantastic and the children all listened beautifully.

This week your child will have bought home their Christmas card design. Please follow the instructions to order any you would like.

Don’t forget to check out the RWI blog to support with reading at home. If you are unsure of your child’s group, please come and ask.

Some of the lovely photos are from our great parent event at the end of last term. Thank you all for coming in.

Next week…

PE Wednesday and Friday

Mrs Russam out - Wednesday

Mrs Hughes - Friday