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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base


What a wonderful week it has been. The weather has certainly turned a bit chilly. Please can you make sure that the children have a coat and jumper in school each day.

On the back of our trip last week we have been looking at leaflets and have started to make our own encouraging people to visit the SS Great Britain.

Maths has seen us start our shape topic and we have been exploring shape all around us and enjoyed making them.

In PE we have been working on our ball skills, sending and receiving. We have used different size balls to practise our throwing and catching with a partner.

PANTOMIME next Tuesday we will be visiting the pantomime in Salisbury. Doors to the classroom will open at 8.30 and we will leave school promptly at 9. We will return within the school day.

Next week…

Mrs Hughes – Friday

PE – Friday

Pantomime – Tuesday DOORS OPEN AT 8.30

Mrs Russam out - Thursday