Scooters and the Easter Bunny!
Well this term has just flown by!! We have packed so much in and the children have risen to every new challenged presented to them. Myself and the team are so impressed with all of the Meerkats. They have worked together as a team just like their namesake, listened and responded to feedback, and given their best in all of their learning – well done Marvellous Meerkats!
It was fantastic to see so many of you at our Parent event on Monday – we hope you enjoyed making your flowers and that they are sitting in pride of place at home. It is always so lovely to have you join us in class. Also, thank you for all the pictures of sunflowers which you have been emailing in – do keep them coming.
It may have been the end of term but we have been busy growing cress as well as our brains for our science experiment. The children were most surprised by the results; they observed that cress can grow without soil or sunlight but not without water. We finished the topic with the children showing all their learning in a double page spread and sharing what they had learnt with Mr Brewer and the Koalas when they popped in to visit us.
The Year 2 children took part in Scootability this week. Wearing helmets and with scooters at the ready, they embarked on a course around the playground to practise their scooter skills and learn how to be safe on their wheels. The negotiated obstacles, followed directions and scooted in straight and curvy lines. The children really gave it their all! Do check out the pictures.
Meerkats, inspired by Jim and the Beanstalk became authors this week, when they wrote a sequel to Goldilocks and the Three Bears called Rosie Red and the Three Bears. Do ask them as I’m sure they would enjoy retelling their story to you.
Not surprisingly, the Meerkats finished the term by filling their gem jar so will be having extra playtime at the start of next term, unfortunately the rain put stop to it today. But we did go on an Easter egg hunt and enjoyed a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny! I have included a range of pictures with this week’s blog, from this week and from the term.
Next term we will be back to our normal PE days of MONDAY (outdoor) and WEDNESDAY (indoor). Children should wear PE kit to school on these days.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 16th April. The first week back, I will be in class Tuesday, Wednesday (afternoon), Thursday and Friday with Mrs Hughes taking Meerkat Class Wednesday morning. Ms Smith, our amazing TA will be with the class all week.
Wishing you all a relaxing Easter break.
Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith
Meerkat Class Team
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