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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Panto and Snowflake!

Wow – that week just flew by… The magical season is upon us and our kindness elf, named Snowflake by the children, arrived into class on Monday.  We have all sprinkled her with magic glitter and she is with us until the end of term. Snowflake has already noticed many acts of kindness from the marvellous Meerkats and is looking forward to hearing more of their beautiful singing.

The highlight of our week was certainly our trip to see Sleeping Beauty.  What a great day we had.  The children were just amazing, joining in with the cast in true panto style, singing, dancing and enjoying their picnic lunch in the theatre with the flippy seats!  It was sea of smiles and joy – I hope you have all heard all about it.  Their behaviour was fantastic and our gem jar is almost full again.

Back in class, we have begun a new DT topic.  This week we looked at different types of mechanisms; levers, sliders and hinges.  We then created mechanisms before looking at materials to decided which one would be best for our project. Photos to come next week. 

We finished our leaflets in English and wow, wow, wow!!!  I am so impressed with the facts included and the presentations.  Mrs Newbury was very impressed too when some children took their work to show her.  Again, photos to come next week.

Play parts for our Christmas nativity have been handed out and costume letters sent home.  If you have any queries about costumes please just asks myself or one of the Meerkat Team.  Costumes due in on Monday.  Please put costumes in a labelled bag. Thank you.

Christmas Service Thursday 12th December at 2pm All Saints Church

(Y1 & Y2 parents invited- if anyone is able to join us to walk to and from the church please let me know via the class email.)

The weather has certainly turned much colder, please ensure that your child comes to school every day with a warm waterproof coat.  If you child wears a hat, gloves or scarf please ensure that they are labelled.  We do not wear our outside shoes in class so please do send in slippers to keep those little toes toasty and cosy.

I will be in class every day next week with our wonderful TAs, Mrs Allen (Mon-Wed) and Miss Smith (Thurs-Fri). 

Wishing you all a very happy and cosy weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Allen and Miss Smith.

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk