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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

November 29th The Gruffalo's Birthday

This week we have had great fun with The Gruffalo!  We had great excitement in the classroom when the children discovered it was the Gruffalo’s Birthday!  The children loved writing messages to The Gruffalo in the Message Centre.

In maths this week, the children have been learning all about numbers 4 and 5.  We have been playing pairs where we have had to match the correct amount on cards.  We also played a plate game which either had 4 or 5 dots on it.  The children now only had to find their partner with the same amount, but also had to look at how the dots were orientated too.  They did so well at this game and became so fast at finding their partner.  We have also been looking at the language more and fewer when working out amounts to 5.

During topic this week, we have been looking at how birthdays are celebrated.  We talked about what we do on our own birthdays such as open presents, have a party, see family and have a birthday cake. The children could make their own birthday cakes using playdough and enjoyed playing birthday’s in the role play corner.

Next week:

We are very excited to be going to the Pantomime in Salisbury to see Sleeping Beauty.  The classrooms doors will open at 8:30 am as we are leaving promptly at 9am.  Please bring a bag so your child can carry their packed lunch.

2nd-19th December - Christmas Raffle tickets on sale

5th December - Decorate a Christmas Jar entries to be in school

6th December - Christmas Story Telling

6th December - Non uniform day - tombola prize donation

6th December – Reception Reading Meeting @ 2.15

17th December - Reception Christmas Nativity @9.30

18th December - Christmas Dinner - Wear a Christmas jumper

19th December - Reception Christmas Nativity @14.00 followed by the Christmas Fayre. 


November 29th The Gruffalo's Birthday