New term and new topic for Leopards!
Wow, we are in term 5 already!
The children have made an amazing start to the term and they have shown what great learners they truly are!
We have started a new topic in Geography this week by looking at Kenya. We are answering the question: 'How does living in Westbury compare to living in Kenya?'. The children used atlases to locate Kenya on a map of Africa and the World, then we looked at where the UK was in comparison. The children noticed that the equator goes through Kenya so it is hot there and doesn't have seasons like we do. They looked at the human and physical features of Kenya, and the children designed their own National Park with watering holes, grasslands, swamps and lodges as well as designated animal areas.
In Maths, we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. The Year 1 children have been spotting patterns and counting forwards and backwards whilst the Year 2 children have used their times table knowledge to answer multiplication and division calculations to solve word problems.
In English, we have shared Julia Donaldson’s book ‘The Ugly Five’. First, the children worked together to create mind maps describing the animals before using these to independently write descriptive sentences. Towards the end of the week, the children used their descriptions and their knowledge of what a postcard is to write one of their own for a trip to Kenya.
- Just a reminder – PE is on Monday (inside) and Thursday (outside). Please ensure that your child wears PE kit to school on these days. Other days, the children should be in normal uniform.
- We have our trip to Noah's Ark Zoo next Thursday 23rd April. Please ensure that your child has a small backpack to carry their lunch (packed lunch and bottle of water will be provided by school). Children to wear school jumper and suitable joggers/trousers, coat and sensible shoes. We will be leaving at 9am and returning by 3.15pm.
- Next week, I will be in class all week except Monday afternoon, supply will cover the class at this time as I will be out on a course. Miss Hillier will be in class to support with dismissing the children at the end of the day.