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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Name that shape!

We are all starting to get a little excited and into the magical mood with the arrival of the beautiful Christmas tree in the school hall. What a wonderful time to be in an infant school watching the children faces light up with the magic and wonder when they saw it was just lovely. 

However, that hasn’t stopped the busyness in class and we have certainly been growing our brains this week. Thinking about our fantastic trip last week the children have begun writing their own leaflets for SS Great Britain.  We have looked at other leaflets for inspiration and thought about all the things we did and saw on the trip.  Working together we mind mapped ideas and jotted down our best bits to share before starting our own leaflets.  Mrs Newbury popped in to join us and was really impressed hearing the children talk about what they enjoyed and wanted to include in their leaflets. We will finish them next week so pictures will follow.

It was all about shape in maths this week and we have learnt new maths vocabulary to use when describing a shape and its features.  We began by identifying 2D and 3D shapes by their name, before counting sides and vertices.  Working practically, we have made 2D shapes with straws and play dough to support our new learning.  Please do encourage your child to spot shapes around your homes and when out and about – they are very good at it!

We finished our history topic this week and the children have certainly become big fans of the famous engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel.  Mrs Watts popped in and the children enthusiastically told her all about his achievements and what we could see locally designed and built by the great man himself here in the West Country. 

Please make sure that your child brings their reading book into school each day as we are so fortunate to have volunteers who listen to the children read.  The children love reading to Shirley and Rhonda and to have their allocated book is so beneficial.  Do continue to check the RWI blog each week too.

 Tuesday 3rd December – Panto!

Class door will open at 8.30 as the coaches will be leaving at 9am sharp.  Children to wear full school uniform.  A packed lunch will be provided for all children by the school.  Please ensure they have a little backpack to carry this.

Next week, I will be in class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday – I am on a training day Thursday and Mrs Rous will teach Meerkat class on Friday.  Mrs Allen (Mon-Wed) and Miss Smith (Thurs-Fri), our wonderful TAs will be with us all week.

Wishing you all a very happy and cosy weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Allen and Miss Smith.

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk