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Musical Meerkat Bakers!

As I was loading all the photos for the week, I am amazed at just how much the marvellous Meerkats have packed into their week.  They are such an enthusiastic bunch of children, it is a joy to be their teacher!

Inspired by our new book in English ‘A walk in London’ by Salvatore Rubbino, a story about a little girl who visits London and is amazed by all she sees and hears. We created our own map of London using the story and our Geography knowledge from our previous Topic learning, we included all the famous landmarks and bridges you can see if you visit our capital city.  We then boarded a London double decker bus and went on a tour to see all the landmarks we had read about. In true Meerkat style we even had a little sing song along the way; The wheels on the bus and London’s Burning.  In preparation for writing their own report on London next week, the children then went on a fact-finding mission, recording all their new learning on mind maps.  I think it’s fair to say they know as much about my home town as I myself do! Can’t wait to read the reports next week.

In Music, we learnt two new songs this week.  The first we signed as we sang and for the second, we sang and played the instruments we made in week 2.  We also worked with partners to clap a rhythm and stay in time with the beat. The children were so good that we decided to pop down to Mrs Bailey, our Music Lead, and sing and sign to her class.  The Meerkats were brilliant and the younger children really enjoyed the little impromptu performance. Well done musical Meerkats!

However, the highlight of the week was DT and baking shortbread.  To practice the skills we would need, we first followed a recipe for making playdough. The children worked as a team to measure out the required quantities and the practise the techniques that we would need. A big thank you to Shirley for joining us for the afternoon!  Knowing we had secured the skills, on Thursday, we became bakers for the day.  The children worked in teams to collect their ingredients and equipment before following the recipe.  We found creaming the butter and sugar quite hard but by all taking a turn we got there and as the photos show a successful batch of shortbread was made.  We finished the day with a little tea party in class and the children ate their shortbread and sampled another tasty treat, welsh cakes. Then today, the children sampled scones and on Monday we will try some ‘fifteens’.  All the tasty treats linked to our previous learning about the four countries of the UK.  Next week we will be continuing our DT topic and practising our cutting skills when we make fruit salads.

Just a reminder, next week – Non-school uniform day – Friday 7th February.

Next week, I will be in class all week with our wonderful TA, Miss Smith.

Have a wonderful and restful weekend.

Mrs Jeffery and Miss Smith.

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk