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Music and dancing with the Meerkats!

We are half way through Term 3 and wow the marvellous Meerkats have really challenged themselves in all of their learning this week. But first, I must congratulate them all on their beautiful manners, both myself and Miss Smith notice daily how polite the Meerkats are as a class but this week others members of staff have been to see me to tell me that they have noticed too.  Well done Meerkats we are so very proud of you all – keep it up!

We concluded our English inspired by ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ this week by writing a diary entry.  The children have really enjoyed this story, here’s the link if you wish to share it at home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46wCRq50Wwg They immersed themselves into the character of Mr Grinling and wrote a diary entry all about his eventful week with the pesky seagulls.  It was great to hear the children retelling the events and using the skills leant to present their work.  The Year 1 children have focussed on their capital letters, finger spaces and full stops whilst the Year 2 children have thought about including ambitious vocabulary and punctuation.  You can read some of the entries in the photos.

We have continued using the Base 10 resources this week when counting on and back in tens.  The children have also used the 100 squares to support this learning. We also practiced adding 2-digit numbers using our drawn 10 tens frame with a basket to support when we need to exchange. 

In geography, after learning about England and Scotland last week, this week we found out more about the other two counties in the UK; Northern Ireland and Wales.  We learnt how to say hello in welsh and learnt some Irish dancing.  We had a quiz and the marvellous Meerkats got every question right – knowing the 4 countries, the capital cities, the national flowers, an interesting fact, who the king is and the name of the UK flag before displaying all their newly acquired knowledge both in writing and pictorially. 

The children spotted connections with other learning this week in computing when we looked at some of the work of the artist Matisse.  They recognised shapes, animals and patterns before creating their own designs using the iPads.  It is always so lovely to see them working in partners, taking turns, supporting and encouraging each other. Keep it up!

We have worked hard on accuracy with our throwing in outdoor PE.  We began by balancing the beanbag before thinking about how best to throw to hit a target.  We practiced underarm throws and increased the distance to challenged ourselves.  We then, in teams played against each other to make the most hits on target.  As the children had so much fun learning Irish dancing in geography, we used our indoor PE to do some set dancing.  The children were in rows of 4 and had to remember the different steps for each part of the dance.  We played some traditional music and the ceili commenced.  What a lovely way to finish our busy week.  

Just a reminder, we visit the library every Tuesday so please return library books on Tuesdays so your child can choose a new book to share at home with you.  Also, book bag books are changed every Friday but children should be bringing their book in daily as we are fortunate to have volunteers in with our class to hear readers twice a week. Thank you 😊

Next week, I will be in class Monday - Thursday, Mrs Rous will be teaching Meerkats on Friday.  Our wonderful TA, Miss Smith will be in with the Meerkats all week.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Jeffery and Miss Smith.

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk