Music and Computing
It’s been another busy week in Giraffe Class and the children are positively blooming. They are absolutely excelling in everything they do and are taking real pride over everything they do.
In our English lessons, we have continued to read all about Mr Grinling and his adventures in the lighthouse. We have looked at using an apostrophe for talking about when something belongs to someone. We used some great sentences to talk about our belongings.
Maths has seen us securing our addition and subtraction skills and becoming fluency in recalling our facts. Some children have become more confident with showing how to find the answers and recording the process using pictures.
We have started a new topic in Geography looking at the different countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities. The atlases were a great help in improving our map reading skills and identifying the differences between water and land. We will be moving on to look at features of the different countries and learning some key facts.
In Music we have been making our own musical instruments to accompany different types of music and keep the beat and as part of computing we have been looking at digital printing. ‘
Just a reminder that due to swimming, children need PE kit on a Tuesday and Friday for this term.
Next week….
- - Mrs Hughes on Friday
- - Swimming on Tuesday
- - PE kit Tuesday and Friday