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Meerkats in 'wordy' disguises!

As I uploaded the photographs I realised what a busy week the Marvellous Meerkats have had growing their brains and being creative.

It was great to see all the children dress up as a ‘word’ for World Book Day.  We shared our words and even incorporated some of them in our English work as our focus was adjectives!  Continuing with the theme of books, we visited Wallaby Class in the afternoon to share books with them.  It was so lovely to see and hear the Meerkats read to the younger children.  Such a lovely experience for all of the children as the pictures show. Myself and Mrs Atwill both agreed that we will do this more often.

Our beautiful book ‘The Secret Sky Garden’ inspired us to create our own sky gardens this week.  The children really thought about how they would describe their gardens; with trees as tall as giraffes, fairy lights as twinkly as moonlit stars and flowers as sweet smelling as doughnuts. It is great to see and hear the children’s vocabulary really expand into their writing.

Here’s the link so you can share it at home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTNidZAxsfE

 We continued with dividing (sharing) in maths and used our knowledge of x2, x5 and x10 tables to support our completion of the calculations.  Now we are half way through the year it is always wonderful to see the children notice and make the connections to their prior learning – literally light bulb moments as they spot a pattern or a connection.  Please continue playing cards and boards games at home to support and develop the children’s maths skills. 

In Life Skills we spoke about being responsible and looking after things.  To help us put this into practice, we have three new class plants, which the children have named, Jeremy, Spikey and Rosie.  We will be taking turns to look after the plants and watch them grow. 

We are using the BeeBots in computing this term to explore giving instructions and sequencing a set of commands.  As always, the marvellous Meerkats worked so well with their partners for the activity, taking turns and helping when the programme needed resetting. As you can see from the photos the children really enjoyed using the BeeBots!

In Art, we have learnt how Georgia O’Keefe focussed on the detail in her floral paintings, zooming in on particular parts rather than always painting the whole flower. This week we used view finders to help us zoom in and just sketch just part of the flower.  For our final piece we have sketched a detailed part of a flower resulting in an abstract sketch. We also practiced creating different marks with different size paint brushes and next week we will paint our sketches, using our findings of brush stokes and brush sizes to show the detail.

Thank you to everyone who has already signed up for an appointment at Parents Evening on Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th.  I am looking forward to sharing your children’s progress in their learning journeys and achievements with you.   If you haven’t yet signed up please do, alternatively please do speak with me if you require a telephone appointment.

Next week, I will be in class all week with our wonderful TA, Miss Smith.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Jeffery and Miss Smith.

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk