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Meerkats Make Music!

Another busy week in Meerkat Class with lots of exploration, learning and fun – the week just flew by and the Meerkats have certainly grown their brains!

This week, whilst thinking about questions we would like to ask Mr Grinling, and how we should phrase them, we were treated to a surprise visit from Mr Grinling himself!  We were able to ask him our questions in person and find out more about him and his job.  Unfortunately, he could not stay long as he had pesky seagulls to deal with so some of the children got into character and took to the hot seat.  It was fantastic to hear the children asking interesting well thought questions and hearing them speak so clearly.  We will use what we have found out next week when we write a diary entry in the character of Mr Grinling.  We also sequenced the story and used our inference skills to think about how other characters in the story were feeling.

In maths, we have continued securing our knowledge of addition and subtraction and used the base 10 resources to help us understand the value of the numbers before correctly calculating answers.  Our maths has been very practical based to secure this skill and the children have then recorded independently using the Base 10 to support them.  

The Meerkats have enthusiastically enjoyed music this week, learning another new song and making instruments.  The children sang the song ‘Boom Chikka Boom’ to Mrs Allen on her last day as it has become a favourite for her and them.  Meerkats are certainly a musical bunch and again this week, during singing assembly, were rewarded with extra gems for their reward pot!  Keep it up Musical Meerkats!

We began out new Geography topic ‘What do I know about my island home?’ this week. We will be learning all about the four countries of the United Kingdom during this topic and already this week we have found out many interesting facts about England and Scotland.  We have looked at capital cities and landmarks.  Using google earth we travelled to the cities and zoomed into see what we could spot.  London in very busy but Scotland may have its very own mythical creature living in Loch Ness!

Please continue to support your child with their reading by reading daily and using the Oxford Owl login (in the reading journal) to access books. If you need new login details please email the class email and I will issue new logins.  We will be visiting the school library every Tuesday this term so please do return library books on Tuesday and your child will take a new book home to share.

PE days this term are MONDAY and FRIDAY.

Next week, I will be in class every day with our wonderful TA, Miss Smith.  As Mrs Allen has now begun her maternity leave, Mis Smith will be with Meerkat Class full time until the end of the year.

Wishing you all a very happy and cosy weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Allen and Miss Smith.

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk