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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

January 10th 2025

Happy New Year.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas. It’s been lovely to see the Wallabies back in school excited to see each other and to continue with their wonderful learning.

This week, we have started Drawing Club where the children learn new and exciting vocabulary and add actions to help them understand a story.  The story this week has been Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  The last stage of drawing club is to add a secret code, it can be a word so we have been thinking about cvc words or a picture and the children have to be able to explain and give a meaning to their code. 

During maths this week, we have introduced the children to ‘mass’ and have used balancing scales to compare different masses.  We have talked about which object is heavier and lighter and what happens to the direction of the scales for each.  At the end of the week we explored capacity. The children have been filling containers with different objects and had to order them showing which holds the most to the least. 

In topic this week, the children have enjoyed making porridge.  They enjoyed exploring what the porridge looks like during the different stages of making porridge and got the chance to taste it too!  It was delicious!

It has been very cold and icy this week. Please send your children in with a warm coat, hat and scarf if possible.  If your child has wellies for break times please bring these in as well as we are using the trim trail and slippers for when they are inside. 

Upcoming events:

7th February 2025 - Non-uniform day and £1 donation

11th February 2025 - YR Health Screening

13th February 2025 - Funny Photo Competitions entries are due in

13th February 2025 - End of Term 3