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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Honeybee Class Friday 22nd November

Honeybee Class have had a fantastic week which kick started with a virtual tour of the woods. We looked closely at animals we could see and listened carefully to the sounds we could hear. The children were brilliant at naming animals and discussing where they thought they may live. 

After learning about the woods we gave the children some clues about a story we would be reading and enjoying for the week. After showing the children a mouse, purple prickles and a poisonous wart many children were able to tell me we were going to read The Gruffalo. 

We had lots of fun retelling the story in our own words, making Gruffalo characters out of playdough and designing our own Gruffalo crumble. 

In math's this week we have been counting and comparing numbers. We made totals by collecting the amount we need from a larger group, we then looked carefully at two totals to see which one was more.

On Tuesday we took our learning about the woods into the actual woods on a trip to Moors Valley where the children enjoyed hunting for the Gruffalo amongst the woodland and exploring adventurous playgrounds along the way. Thank you to all the parents who came to support, we had a great day.

Have a fantastic weekend all!

Miss Hackeson

Important Information

Please find links to the Read Write Inc Videos for the letter sounds we have been learning:

m- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/m0tO4vzB/7IaTlqRz 

a- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/9j0InzS9/IkdSBTeu 

s - https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/yBXDm47y/rScYhXLp

d - https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/XFgt5uCY/UF7HFDbv 

t - https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/U6fLaM1M/sizrMoTz 

i -https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/YWeDKcsp/x6KlYcZV 

n- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/poKFpvSf/RAZwSx2q 

Honeybees 22nd November 2024