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Honeybee Class Friday 18th October 24

It has been another busy week in Honeybee Class. We started the week with a new story in English which focused on emotions. The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas is a fantastic book which looks at each emotion, giving it a colour and teaching the reader what we may feel like and do when we are feeling these different emotions. The character in the story is feeling all mixed up and needs help to separate the emotions to understand them. The children really enjoyed talking about what makes them feel happy, sad, calm, love, anger and fear and made some fantastic monsters of their very own. We will continue to reference the colour monsters when talking about and expressing our feelings in class.

On Tuesday we had a fantastic morning as we visited Little City. The children enjoyed all the role play set ups. They were emergency workers, shoppers, shop keepers, vets, builders, postal workers and enjoyed making up their very own ideas for play. It was so lovely to watch the children interact with each other and explore, much fun was had by all!

In maths this week we have focused on accurate counting of amounts using a range of different materials. The focus was to try and place a finger on the item or physically move it as they counted to ensure they got to the correct total. They did really well and got so much more confident at accurately counting as the week progressed.

In PE we have enjoyed continuing to improve our skills in balancing and moving along different heights. The children were fantastic and listened and followed instructions well.

We look forward to welcoming many of you next week for our parent event on Wednesday at 2.30pm before we break up for half term.

Have a wonderful weekend Honeybees!