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Guy Fawkes and Fireworks!

What a great start to Term 2 for the Marvellous Meerkats.  The children have returned full of enthusiasm and with oodles of energy for new learning.

We jumped straight into the timely topic of ‘Guy Fawkes – hero or villain?’ in History.  The children re-enacted the story of the plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament so brilliantly, with a bossy King James 1, a sly Robert Catesby and eager conspirator called Guy Fawkes.  We were so impressed with how quickly the children grasped the facts of the story and acted it out, the children even performed it to Rhonda (our lovely volunteer reader).  Please do ask them to share the story with you at home.

In English, we have used our new book ‘Zim, Zam, Zoom’ to share a variety of poems. Together we recited poems as a class before the children, in small groups, chose a poem to read aloud to the rest of the class.   We have taken the time to think about the words, rhyme and rhythm to read with intonation and expression – as the children told me, without it ‘it sounds boring!’.  Keeping with the theme of the week the children have also chosen adjectives, using alliteration, to describe fireworks in preparation for writing their own poem about fireworks next week.

The children have identified numbers beyond 20 on the 100 square and counted forwards and backwards beyond 20 this week. We have used the base 10 resources to support our understanding of portioning 2-digit numbers and the children have secured their understanding pictorially and physically with the resources – lots of great partner work too.

We were treated to a musical surprise on Thursday, when a folk duo performed came into school and performed a sea shanty and a folk piece for the children.  They brought in a variety of instruments, some of which the children heard in our music lessons last term. How wonderful to be able to see them played live. 

The children had their first swimming lesson this week.  Well done to all the children, I know some were initially nervous but once in the pool, they all gave it their best and the session finished with lots of smiles.  We were really proud of the children and their behaviour both walking to and from and whilst at the pool.  A big thank to our parent/grandparent helpers who joined us this week, without your support we would not be able to attend these sessions. 

Just a reminder, as we are now swimming on Tuesdays, this terms PE days are Tuesday and Friday.  Please can you child wear their PE kit to school on these days.  There is no requirement to wear trainers, the children can wear their normal school shoes.

The new term also saw some children move into a new RWI group.  New books will be sent home today, if you have any previously issued books at home please return them next week.  You can continue to support your child’s reading journey by visiting the RWI blog https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-8th-November-2024/

Mrs Rous covered Meerkat class today and will continue to do so every other Friday. Next week, I will be in class every day with our wonderful TAs, Mrs Allen and Miss Smith.  

As the Parent Event was held on the last day of term, I’ve included the photos from the afternoon on this week’s blog too.

Wishing you all a very happy and relaxing weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Allen and Miss Smith.

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk