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Friday 8th November

Welcome back to term 2!  We hope you all had a good break.

This week, in English, we have been looking at the poetry book 'Zim, Zam, Zoom'.  We joined in learning the 'Funny Faces' poem and then made lots of our own funny faces with pattern blocks and playdough.  We have also listened to poems and watched videos about fireworks.  Following this, we used adjectives to describe the colours, patterns and sounds that fireworks make.  Next week, we will be using our firework adjectives to write our own poems.

In maths, we have been looking at 2-digit numbers and working out the value of each digit.  We started the week by counting groups of ten and then went on to making 2-digit numbers with Base 10 apparatus.  We have used part-whole models to partition numbers and we have used this to help us work out the value of each digit in the number.

In history, we have been learning about Guy Fawkes.  We discovered that the reason we celebrate Bonfire night on the 5th November every year is because he (alongside a group of co-conspirators) tried to kill King James 1 whilst he was in the Houses of Parliament.  This was known as the Gunpowder Plot.  We used drama to re-enact the events leading up to the 5th November which helped us to understand why Guy Fawkes tried to kill the king and why the plot failed.  We discussed whether we thought Guy Fawkes was a hero or villain and gave reasons for our ideas.  It has been a really fun topic to learn about.

Please take a look at the photos below.  Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Important dates:

PE will take place on Thursdays and Fridays during this term.  It will go back to Tuesdays and Fridays after Christmas.

Thursday 21st November - trip to SS Great Britain