Friday 7th March 2025
How goes the work?
This week the children read the story ‘The Lazy Farmer’ and enjoyed calling out ‘How goes the work?’ as they read along with the text. On Monday, the children got to draw a character from the story and most chose to draw the lazy farmer in bed with chocolates and sweets. Tuesday the children drew the Farmer’s house and wrote a code to either evict the farmer or make him change his ways and help out on the Farm. Adventure day, saw the children thinking of a way to disguise the farmer so he could go back to the farm and they also had to give him spy gadget that he might use. The vocabulary from this week’s drawing club was bone idle, fatigued, eject, stealthy, stunned, hot on the heels, cultivate and big cheese.
In our maths sessions, the children have been exploring 9&10 and the different ways these can be made. We have enjoyed singing songs such as ’10 scary monsters’ and ’10 green bottles’ to help us learn about one more or fewer than a number. Towards the end of the week the children compared groups of numbers saying which had more or fewer and how they knew.
We learnt about pastoral farms this week and talked about what animals need to survive. The children enjoyed playing a game where they looked at a picture then decided if it would be an arable farm or a pastoral farm. As part of our provision, the children have made farms and animal homes in the construction area, they have told stories in the small world farm and matched farm animals to their young. We enjoyed looking at lots of cute baby animal pictures and saying which animal they would grow into. The children talked about where food comes from and enjoyed watching the farm to fork videos for how eggs, honey, bread and milk go from the farm to the shop.
Pancake day was filled with fun, the children listened to the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’ followed by making some scrumptious pancakes. PE was a pancake themed lesson with the children practising flipping their ‘pancakes’ and taking part in pancake races and collaborating to finish first as part of a relay team. We even had the chance to learn a rhyme all about pancake day – watch the video to see us perform it.
World Book day saw Kangaroo Class looking vibrant in a range of colourful clothes. We had a word parade where the children danced up and down the catwalk showing off their outfits and sharing their word. There was a quiz where children listened to clues to work out the story as well as a visit to the library. We also had a visit from Giraffe class later in the week and they shared stories with us which was a fantastic way to end the week.
Please remember that book change day is a Friday and the children need both their book and their reading diary. Our reading system relies on a book to be returned before a new one is given out. Don’t forget you can always access Oxford Owl using the details in your child’s reading diary.
On the 1st April we will need a couple of parent volunteers to help us walk to the church. If you are able to help please let me know via email.
Have a lovely weekend
Upcoming events:
18th/19th March Parent Consultations
21st March – Reception School Trip
21st March – Red Nose Day
1st April – Trip to the church – Reception Parents Invited
4th April – Easter Egg hunt
4th April – Last Day of Term