Friday 7th March
Run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread man! This week we started Drawing Club and our focus text was The Gingerbread Man. In Drawing club the children learn new vocabulary and add actions to help them understand the meaning of the words. This week we had sleek, sly, scamper, delicious, pursue, bellow, astonished and halt. The children then draw a picture linked to a character, setting or adventure. The last stage of Drawing club is to add a code. The code then makes something happen. For example on our adventure day, the children drew their ideas for how to help the Gingerbread Man cross the river without getting wet or being eaten by the sly fox. They had lots of different ideas, including building him a raft and helping him to fly over the river. The children have then written their own codes, such as 'up and away' to make the magic happen.
In computing, the children have been exploring the Beebots (our programmable floor robots). They have used the buttons on the top to clear the robot's memory, move it forwards, backwards and make it turn left and right. They observed how far the Beebot moved each time they pressed a button and then they played a game with a partner - programming in commands and seeing if their friend could work out which buttons they had pressed.
In maths, we have been counting in 10s and 5s and using this to help us multiply and divide by 10 or 5.
The children have been doing some lovely role play this week; making dens with chairs, tables and blankets and sitting together, chatting about all sorts of things. It has been so lovely to see them engaged in conversations with each other, sharing and building upon one another's ideas.
In RE, we have been learning about the creation story (the order in which Christians believe God made the world). We then made our own creations using Duplo and thought about how we would like our models to be treated by others.
On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day. We all came dressed up as different words and characters. We listened to some different stories during the day and discussed which story books are our favourites.