Friday 7th February 2025
Trip Trap Trip Trap....Who's that trip trapping over my bridge?
You guessed it the story this week was the Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children have enjoyed retelling the story especially pretending to be the troll. As part of our drawing club sessions the children have drawn the troll, bridge and then for adventure a step on the bridge could take the children through a portal to another place. We had lots of great ideas from the children such as Chocolate Land, Disney Land as well as The Mushroom Kingdom. Our vocabulary this week was: Elaborate, Collaborate, Navigate, Suspicious, Hullabaloo, Flummoxed, Compare and Absorbent. The children have added actions to the words to help them remember the meaning.
In our provision the children have become engineers making elaborate bridges for the goats to cross as well as making trolls in the creative area and making the characters from play dough. Outside the children have been climbing along bridges at different heights and trying out their balancing skills.
Our Maths learning this week focused on odd and even numbers, doubles and pairs of numbers that make a total of 6,7,8. The children enjoyed learning about the odds and even numbers using a giant tens frame on the floor. The children could say if a number was odd if a person didn't have a friend opposite them. In our double learning the children had to match the number of cubes in their tower to their friends and say what the total was. On Friday, the children had the challenge to subitise a number of spots and then say how they could see the number. The children were brilliant at seeing the spots in different arrangements.
In our topic sessions, we looked at materials and how to sort these by their properties we looked at objects that were hard, soft, flexible or stretchy. In our Music lessons the children learnt about the piano and listened to a piece of music to discuss the tempo at different parts. We continued working on the children's cutting skills and they had to cut the characters out to put around a bridge.
This week we have collected in the children's reading books so we can audit how many books we have. If you have any books at home please can you return them.
We hope you have a lovely weekend
Upcoming Dates:
10th February: RWI books being collected for audit
11th February: YR health screening
13th February: Maths workshop from 2pm, followed by parent event
13th February: End of Term 3
14th February: TD Day
24th February: Term 4 starts