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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 6th December

This week has been all about shapes and mechanisms.

In maths, we have been looking at 3D shapes.  We played shape shop to help us match and name the 3D shapes and then we had a look at some of their properties.  We looked at the 2D faces that we could see in the 3D shapes by pressing the shapes into playdough and we have had a go at building the 3D shapes with straws and Blu-tac.

In DT, we have been looking at mechanisms in order to help us to make our own moving Christmas cards.  At the beginning of the week we studied hinges, levers and sliders and used card to make some examples of our own.  We then thought about the materials that we might want to use to make a Christmas card with a moving part.  We wrote a list of materials and then had a closer look at three of them (fabric, card and tissue paper) to see which would be the most suitable.  We discovered that the only material to stand up on its own was the card so this is what we are planning to use.

On Tuesday, we had a fantastic time at the pantomime.  The children watched and joined in with the performance beautifully and they haven't stopped talking about it!

Next week 

Thursday 12th December - Christmas performance at 9:30am

Thursday 12th December - Church service at 2:00pm

Friday 13th December - Christmas performance at 2:00pm