Friday 3rd May 2024
It’s been another busy week in Wallaby class.
On Monday the class received an anonymous email. It showed a photo of a ‘real’ Tiger in our classroom! The children had lots of ideas of how the tiger got in. this led us into our story this week of The Tiger who came to Tea. We discussed how we would feel if a tiger came to tea and what food we would offer the tiger. The children have really enjoyed writing invitations to a friend or an animal to invite them to a tea party and what food and drink they would have.
In Maths the children have been consolidating their knowledge of 5, 6 and 7. We started the week by singing 5 little kittens jumping on the bed and using one hand to show 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 as the kittens jumped off the bed. We then looked at what happens when there are 6 or 7, can we show them on one hand? The children discovered that we need 5 fingers and 1 bit, 5 fingers on one hand and 1 on the other, and 5 and 2 bits for 7.
We watched a video of jungle animals and discussed what their habitats look like. We discussed whether all animals live in a jungle, the children decided that animals can live on a farm, zoo and in a field. We looked at the animals that live in the arctic and how their habitats are different.
In PSED we looked at the Eat well plate. We discussed the different sections and why some are bigger than others. We talked about which foods we should eat more or less of and how they affect our bodies.
In Art/DT the children enjoyed creating pictures of arctic animals and their habitat, using 'cold' coloured materials.
The children have worked so hard this week, well done Wallabies!
Wallaby term 5 week 3