Friday 31st January 2025
I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down! The Big Bad Wolf strikes again!
This week our story for Drawing club was the Three Little Pigs and the children have become expert story tellers. I have enjoyed listening to the children's version of the story and hearing the voices they use for each of the characters. The children have created pigs from playdough, used puppets and costumes in their play to explore the story. The words that we used as part our drawing club were: construct, startled, flee, bamboozle, courageous, collapse, sneaky and persistent it would be great if you could use these at home. As part our adventure in Drawing Club the children had to draw a trap to capture the wolf we had lots of great ideas such as mouse traps, cages and lava jails.
Our Maths learning focused on the numbers 6,7,8 and the children have explored one more or one less than these numbers. The children used the unifix cubes to look at the staircase structure showing one more or one fewer each time. The children enjoyed singing one man went to mow and eight in a bed to support their learning of one more and one fewer. The children explored making numbers on a tens frame and representing one more or one less than a number to ten. As part our learning for 8 I set the challenge of creating 'octoblock' using unifix cubes. The children enjoyed experimenting with the different ways that eight could be made.
As part of topic learning this week the children have explored 'materials' we discussed the different types of materials and their purposes. The children enjoyed hunting for different materials in the classroom. On Friday the children enjoyed using different materials to make houses for the Three Little Pigs. Check out the photos to see the amazing houses that were made. In music the children explored what an orchestra is and explored a range of percussion instruments. PE saw the children take part in a Goldilocks and Three Bears circuit with a skill focus on different types of rolls.
That's the end of another fun packed week and I have to say how impressed I am with the children's story telling. We are definitely enjoying the topic this term!
Have a lovely weekend
Upcoming Dates:
7th February: Non-uniform day
10th February: RWI books being collected for audit
11th February: YR health screening
13th February: Maths workshop from 2pm, followed by parent event
13th February: End of Term 3
14th February: TD Day
24th February: Term 4 starts