Friday 31st January
What a great week we have had!
In DT this week, The children have been cooking and tasting some delicious treats from around the UK. They followed a recipe to make play dough on Monday and practised using a bridge and claw technique to cut the dough as they will be using these skills next week when they make our own fruit salads. On Wednesday, the children worked together to make shortbread - a traditional treat from Scotland. They used scales and different measuring containers/spoons to measure out the ingredients and they used cutters to cut out the biscuits. On Thursday, they got to try, not only, their delicious shortbread that they had baked but also some scones (from England), Welsh cakes (from Wales) and fifteens (from Northern Ireland) that some of the other classes had baked. The most popular treats in Bumblebee Class were the scones and shortbread.
In PE the children practised their balancing and jumping skills. They had to jump from spot to spot without touching the floor, balance beanbags on their heads and step over objects whilst they did so, crab walk along two skipping ropes and walk along the benches and balance beams. They found the balance beam quite tricky but it was lovely to see the children helping each other and offering reassurance and encouragement as they did so.
Next week:
Friday 7th February - Non-uniform day