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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 2nd February 2024

The children have continued to enjoy the 5,4,3,2,1, blast off theme. They have been busy designing rockets and using their designs to build their rockets out of various construction toys. The children had a lovely time on the Trim Trail this week.

In English we have been reading the book Penguinaut who with the encouragement from his friends, blasted off into space. The children thought and wrote about what they might take into space. They even created a space passport ready for their adventure to space. We looked at some constellations, and the children enjoyed making their own with geo boards and elastic bands.

Topic: The children were very excited to go out of this world when the space dome visited on Tuesday! We sat in the dome surrounded by stars. We found out about the different planets and why we couldn't live on them. We also watched how day and night occur and why we see the moon at night. We even saw real photos taken by the Astronauts who landed on the moon.

As part of our RE this week we learned about Nowruz - The Persian New Year, and how they celebrate the start of spring as their new year. We discussed what it would be like if it was always winter. We looked at some pictures of winter and spring and the children decided that they wanted spring so we can see lambs, baby chicks and beautiful flowers!

Maths: The children have been learning 'more' and 'fewer'. we have learned that even if the objects are bigger or different, it's the amount of items that tells us if we have more or fewer items.

The children have been enjoying PE and using the apparatus.

In music we listened to slow and fast songs to listen how the beat changes and whether we move faster or slower to the beat. WE have enjoyed singing songs together and adding the actions.

We look forward to welcoming you all to our classroom for the parent event on Monday afternoon at 2.30.

Have a lovely weekend!



Wallabies Term 3 Week 4