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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 29th September 2023

Wow another week has flown by!! I can't believe how well the children are settled and into their routines. They can now remind me about jobs that need to be done which is amazing! This week we the children the children have been learning the sounds i,n,p,g,o. As the children know 10 sounds we have started to blend sounds together to make simple words such as mad, dad, sat, sad and at. The children learnt the routines brilliantly for using the magnetic letters to make words. Look out for the video links to support your child learn their sounds. 

In our Maths sessions, we have been focusing on Subitising (seeing a small amount without counting). The children have focused on seeing 1-3 dots without counting. We have explored different ways to represent 1, 2 &3 on our fingers. At the end of the week the children had to look for groups of 1,2 or 3 in larger sets. 

In our Topic sessions we have started to look at people who help us in the community. The children have listened to stories and short video clips on different professions such as road workers, librarians and dentists. 

In our creative sessions, the children had the opportunity to experiment with powder paints. We used the saying, Dip it, dab it, mix it to help the children remember what they needed to do to mix the paint. 

I enjoyed taking Kangaroo Class for PE this week. The children enjoyed some different warm up games. The bean game was good fun but then we played the remote control game. In this game when you say 'record' the children pulled a range of funny faces which had everyone laughing. 

What a way to end the week with a Disco-a-Thon! The children were amazing and enjoyed dancing through the day. Thank you for all the sponsorship money and well done to the children for taking part. 

Enjoy your weekend 

Kangaroos Week 4


Next week - Mrs Watts will take the class on Monday and I will be in on Tuesday to Friday. 

3rd/4th Oct - Parent Consultations

9th Oct - Flu Immunisations

11th Oct - Harvest Service - All Saints Church - Reception parents are invited

12th Oct - Harvest Drawing Competition entries due in.

17th Oct - Parent Celebration 2.30 

18th Oct - Non Uniform day - £1.00 contribution