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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 29th November 2024

"Roar, stomp, and cheer—it's the Gruffalo's birthday, and the fun is here!"

The children have loved learning about the Gruffalo, imagine their surprise this week when they discovered it was the Gruffalo’s Birthday! We discovered a cake and great big Happy Birthday balloons after lunch along with a new story, ‘Happy Birthday Gruffalo!’ The children were so excited to share the story and loved predicting what food might be eaten by the Gruffalo as part of his birthday celebrations. We decided to design and write a birthday card for the Gruffalo as part of our message centre learning. The children designed some amazing cards and it was great to see the children write their names when signing the inside of their cards.

In our maths learning this week, the children enjoyed exploring and comparing the numbers four and five. At the start of the week the children played pairs matching amounts on cards. On Tuesday we had fun using our subitising skills (See the amount…don’t count) to recognise non-standard dot patterns for four or five. The children danced around to music and when the music stopped they had to find someone who had the same number of dots but in a different orientation. We also looked at the terms more and fewer to compare objects. The children liked seeing how many woodland animals they could see and then they compared which group had more or fewer. At the end of the week the focus was on recognising one more or fewer than a number. The children used a five frame to help represent the numbers and then said what one more or fewer would be.

In our topic this week we focused on how birthdays are celebrated. The children enjoyed sharing their experiences of birthdays and the games they might play at a party. We discussed the food eaten at parties and the children could all say what their favourite food would be. The children had the opportunity to celebrate birthdays in our topic provision this week by making the Gruffalo his favourite food, alongside many cakes in the play dough area. The children also had the opportunity to design a cake and make a party hat. The role-play area has never seen so many parties this week. It has been great to see the children work as a team to tell a story about a party. In addition to looking at how we celebrate our birthdays we looked at birthday traditions from around the world.

Next week, we have the pantomime trip on Tuesday. Please can you send your child with a bag to carry their packed lunch? Then on the 6th December there is a reading meeting in the hall for Reception Parents. Following the parents meeting you will have the opportunity to read and play games with your child.

Reading Diaries – Please remember that Friday is a book change day and the children will need every Friday.

Well as you can see it has been another fun packed week and next week I can’t wait for our visit to the Pantomime!

Have a lovely weekend

Upcoming Events:

2nd-19th December - Christmas Raffle tickets on sale

5th December - Decorate a Christmas Jar entries to be in school

6th December - Christmas Story Telling

6th December - Non uniform day - tombola prize donation

6th December – Reception Reading Meeting @ 2.15

17th December - Reception Christmas Nativity @9.30

18th December - Christmas Dinner - Wear a Christmas jumper

19th December - Reception Christmas Nativity @14.00 followed by the Christmas Fayre.