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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 29th November

It has been a busy but enjoyable week in Bumblebee class!

We have finished learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and have started writing fact files about him in our English lessons.  Our teachers were very impressed with all the facts that we have remembered.  We showed off our creative skills with playdough; making several of the famous local landmarks that Brunel designed such as the SS Great Britain, Box tunnel and the Clifton suspension bridge.  Take a look at the photos below.

In our maths sessions, we have been learning about 2D shapes.  We have named them, counted their number of sides and vertices and have even had a go at drawing them using dotty paper.  We have been on a shape hunt, found them hidden in pictures and around our classroom and have made them using lolly sticks, playdough and straws.

Next week:

PE will take place on Thursday and Friday

Tuesday 3rd December - Pantomime trip - class doors will open early at 8:30 so that we can leave promptly.  Children need to wear school uniform and brink a backpack to carry their lunch in.

Friday 6th December - non-uniform day