Friday 28th February 2025
Kangaroos had a wonderful first week back
It was lovely to see the children return to school all excited about our new topic, ‘Wriggle Crawl and Roar!’ You can see from the knowledge organiser below all the amazing learning opportunities that are planned for the rest of the term.
knowledge organiser wriggle crawl and roar.pdf
Our text of the week ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ was a hit with the children. They loved retelling the story especially when they had to make the noises of the animals. In our drawing club adventures the children enjoyed creating a mixed-up map for Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len to follow. On adventure day the children thought of lots of revolting ingredients for a potion that would help to capture Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh and stop them from stealing the prize cow. Our vocabulary this week was Hefty, Lanky, Revolting, Cunning, Dainty, Crept, Golly Gosh and Dead of night. The children enjoyed acting out these words and we have tried to use them in different contexts during our continuous provision.
In our Maths the week we finished our unit on time looking at seconds and minutes in addition to learning the days of the week. The children took part in timed challenges such as building towers, placing pegs in the board and using tweezers to collect pom poms. The children turned the challenges into a competition to see who could get the most cubes, pegs or pom poms in 30 seconds. Mr Wolf’s week helped the children to sequence the days of the week and the children had to recall what Mr Wolf did on the different days of the week. Towards the end of the week, we began the new maths block building 9&10. The children have made collections of nine and ten and are beginning to be experts at creating collections to represent the number we are learning about.
In our topic work the children learnt about Monochromatic art work and the children had the opportunity to create their own monochromatic collage which look marvellous! In RE this term the children are learning about spring and the signs of spring. We went on a spring walk around the school grounds and saw the daffodils starting to flower, birds in their nests and primroses growing in the sensory garden. We also looked at farms and what happens on a farm. The children found out that farms are where crops grow and/or animals are raised. We also looked at arable farms and the machinery that might be used on these. The children have enjoyed exploring farms in their play using the small world barn and animals as well as creating their own farms in the construction area. The children have explored the work of vets in our new role-play area and have cared for lots of animals throughout the week.
As you can see it was a very busy first week back with lots of lovely learning happening throughout the week. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Upcoming events:
3rd March – cake sale
6th March – book day – dress as a word
18th/19th March Parent Consultations
21st March – Reception School Trip
21st March – Red Nose Day
1st April – Trip to the church – Reception Parents Invited
4th April – Easter Egg hunt
4th April – Last Day of Term