Friday 28th February
We have settled back in quickly following the half term and have started a new topic looking at the American artist Georgia O'Keeffe. We started the unit by looking at some of Georgia's art work and discussed what we liked/disliked about her paintings. Then we chose a piece of her work and used our sketching skills to have a go at copying it. On Wednesday, we looked at colour mixing and discovered that when you mix primary colours together you can make secondary colours. The primary colours are red, yellow and blue. Take a look at the photos to see what happened when we mixed them.
In our maths lessons this week, we have been multiplying and dividing. We have used different manipulatives and playdough to find out what happens when be double and halve numbers and have been learning how we can record this as a multiplication number sentence.
In our PE lesson, we have been working on balance. We had to try different ways of moving around the hall and balancing on different parts of our bodies. Then we had a go at carrying a beanbag on different parts of our bodies whilst trying to move. We were not allowed to hold onto the beanbag and some of us found this a little bit tricky. We even played a game of 'stuck in the mud' whilst still balancing a beanbag on our heads. It was lots of fun!
Next week
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day