Friday 24th January
We have had another great week in Bumblebees with many proud moments!
In English, we have been acting out the story of the 'Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' and have written a diary as if we were Mr Grinling. We used an app called Book Creator to record our diaries and have used different art techniques to create a lovely display. We have also had a go at making our own mustard sandwiches - they were disgusting!
In our maths lessons, we have been learning our number bonds to 10 or 20 and have used these to help us add and subtract. We discovered that if you know your number bonds to 10 you can use these to help you work out your number bonds to 20. We also discovered that if you know the two numbers that make 10 or 20 then you can quickly work out what the missing number would be in a subtraction calculation.
In our computing lessons, we have been using a paint program to create our own pieces of art work in the style of Piet Mondrian. He was an abstract artist who used shapes and colours to create some well-known pieces of art. We used the line and fill tools to help us create our own Mondrian inspired art. Please take a look at the photos below.
In our music lessons we have been looking at different percussion instruments and listening to the different sounds they make. We had great fun playing the different instruments!
Next week:
PE - Thursday and Friday.