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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 22nd


The wonderful Wallabies have enjoyed listening to the story the Gruffalo this week and becoming immersed in the story by being able to take a stroll through their very own ‘deep dark woods’ at Moors Valley. The children were exceptional during their first school trip and made all staff very proud. Children enjoyed walking through the woodland and talking about what they could see. At the end of their walk, the children got to see the Gruffalo!  It was fantastic to see the bravery in some of the children on the climbing equipment and they particularly enjoyed the new bumble bee climbing frame. They were all so tired at the end of the day that lots of them snoozed on the journey home 😊 we hope you enjoy looking through all of the photos.

During English, children have continued to give meanings to marks in our message centre and came up with their own symbols for different animals they might see in the woods. They have enjoyed creating their own woodland scenes with a focus on scissor skills, making an enclosure for the Gruffalo in the construction area and creating their own ‘Gruffalo crumble’ in the role play area. We have introduced ‘tricky words’ they need to learn to spell including the, I, to, no, go using a song and the children were AMAZING at having a go at writing these down on whiteboards as the song played! We were very impressed especially as it is so early on in the year!

During topic, the children have looked at different animals and sorted them into groups; those that do / do not live in the woods. We talked about habitats and how certain animals are suited to live in different habitats.

In maths, we have focused on the number 5. This has included representations of 5, whether a collection of objects is 5 or not 5, ordering numbers to 5 and recognising numbers that add together to make 5.

We have started to learn the songs for our Christmas play called ‘I spy Christmas’. Information about this will come out in due course 😊 Well done on another wonderful week Wallabies!


Wallabies term 1 week 3